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Themen - JudasFm

Seiten: [1]
International Board / Are new episodes still welcome?
« am: 04. Mai 2022, 10:31:09 »
I've been away from MMM for a very long time but now have time to commit to finally finishing my Razor-themed very long episode. But I don't want to do that if MMM is no longer accepting episodes. Can I still submit it for testing/download/translation etc when it's finished?  :)

Well, my MMM episode had to be postponed due to family problems, but I'm ready to get back to it, hence my question about using other people's graphics ;D

By 'using' I mean 'editing'.  May I edit in the way of shading, textures, or are we supposed to leave them 'as is'?  Either way I don't mind; I'd just like to know :)

Also, please can someone tell me if the main (ie, original) characters - Syd, Jeff, Razor, Wendy, Michael, Bernard - are currently dating other characters in the games?  I'm not trying to be lazy; it's just that I don't know German, so I can't play most of the episodes, and I don't want to go against what other MMM designers have already done.

Thanks  ;D

International Board / Questions about writing episodes...
« am: 03. August 2011, 17:47:20 »
I'd like to do a few episodes (I have a good idea involving Razor ;)) but I'm a little worried about something:

I know this is a predominantly a German site and community; do episodes HAVE to be written in German?  (My German hovers right about the level of asking directions in the street; there's no way it's up to the standard needed for a video game!) Would it be okay if I wrote them in English?

Seiten: [1]