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Nachrichten - scynical

Seiten: [1]
I've put them in a zip and uploaded it to


Iason: Cut the OT crap.

 whoa, Thank you!!
 I think my internet server had a problem. some other country's files cannot be downloaded...

we are online again, 
all translated episodes ->

 I think there's something wrong... almost every episode that I tried to download couldn't work.

 all I can see "Fobidden : you don't have no permission" ;_;

Thank you everybody. I'll looking for those episodes...

In korea, there's a korean version of Maniac Mansion. It's original IBM version of that game....

I just knew that MMM is exist. so I want to play almost every of whole series,
but in Korea(I'm in South Korea) there's no way to find MMM. It's really hard to
get episode 1, 2, 4, 8, 9. but some of them are still no english version (or I couldn't find).

Is anyone can help me?
In fact I'm Korean so even my English is not perfect.

Seiten: [1]