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International Board / Re: ScummVM page on MMM-Wiki
« Letzter Beitrag von CyberTentacle am 07. April 2024, 14:28:36 »
I was about to link the commit and add an explanation but you were faster :D
Just a note: the fix is currently in ScummVM but not in the upstream AGS implementation, so if you use the interpreter downloaded from the ags website (or github) you'll still have the bug
Trash Episoden / Re: Meteorhead XIV: A Road Movie
« Letzter Beitrag von AmigaMaster am 07. April 2024, 12:05:56 »
Ostern ist zwar vorbei, das hindert mich aber trotzdem nicht daran, auf Ostereiersuche zu gehen und das Geheimnis um OXROKOWOLOID zu lösen.

International Board / Re: ScummVM page on MMM-Wiki
« Letzter Beitrag von Cone Arex am 06. April 2024, 21:22:17 »
Not that it matters, but I just noticed that my original posting about the stairs is now nearly 10 years old:
International Board / Re: ScummVM page on MMM-Wiki
« Letzter Beitrag von AmigaMaster am 06. April 2024, 20:46:58 »
There was a problem with the walkable area search function which returned wrong coordinates with the default value of 3 pixel granularity. For older game engine versions, the granularity now is pixel perfect within a range of 100 pixels around the target position.


if (tempw->GetPixel(tox, toy) != 232) {
// Destination pixel is not walkable
// Try the 100x100 square around the target first at 3-pixel granularity
int tryFirstX = tox - 50, tryToX = tox + 50;
int tryFirstY = toy - 50, tryToY = toy + 50;

// This is a fix for the Treppenbug in old (pre-3.0) Maniac Mansion Mania games.
// Using a higher granularity the find_nearest_walkable_area sets a wrong coordinate that prevents
// the staircase in Bernard's home from working.
int sweep_granularity = _G(loaded_game_file_version) > kGameVersion_272 ? 3 : 1;
if (!find_nearest_walkable_area(tempw, tryFirstX, tryFirstY, tryToX, tryToY, tox, toy, sweep_granularity)) {
// Nothing found, sweep the whole room at 5 pixel granularity
find_nearest_walkable_area(tempw, 0, 0, tempw->GetWidth(), tempw->GetHeight(), tox, toy, 5);
International Board / Re: ScummVM page on MMM-Wiki
« Letzter Beitrag von Cone Arex am 06. April 2024, 13:33:40 »
Thank you. I will update the wiki page once I have the time for it.
Out of curiosity, how was the stairs bug fixed?
International Board / Re: ScummVM page on MMM-Wiki
« Letzter Beitrag von Kaktus am 05. April 2024, 16:28:29 »
Thank you, funnily I just read about the stairs bug in ScummVM earlier this year.
Back then there was the opinion prevailed that it's not a bug. Glad to here hear that changed.

ScummVM rocks!
International Board / Re: ScummVM page on MMM-Wiki
« Letzter Beitrag von Cmdr am 05. April 2024, 16:07:45 »
Hi all!
Maybe it's already known, but I'd like to point out that the wiki page related to ScummVM is quite outdated.
Since version 2.8.0 the fonts should match the AGS implementation, so there are no more problems with squashed characters or broken outlines.

Additionally, daily development builds include a fix for the stairs bug in Bernard's house  ;D

Wow, that's interesting!
Thank you for your great work  ;D
International Board / ScummVM page on MMM-Wiki
« Letzter Beitrag von CyberTentacle am 05. April 2024, 15:05:12 »
Hi all!
Maybe it's already known, but I'd like to point out that the wiki page related to ScummVM is quite outdated.
Since version 2.8.0 the fonts should match the AGS implementation, so there are no more problems with squashed characters or broken outlines.

Additionally, daily development builds include a fix for the stairs bug in Bernard's house  ;D
Allgemeine Diskussionen / Re: Ruhet in Frieden
« Letzter Beitrag von Mister L am 03. April 2024, 10:24:29 »
Letzen Montag ist übrigens auch Komiker Joe Flaherty im Alter von 82 Jahren gestorben.
Er spielte in der "Maniac Mansion" TV-Serie den Dr. Fred.

Außerdem spielte er noch den Commandant Hefilfinger in der (zu recht) sehr kurzlebigen Police Academy TV-Serie.
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