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Themen - Sledgy

Seiten: [1]
International Board / DOTT-like episodes
« am: 22. Januar 2014, 10:47:43 »
Tell me please episodes with DOTT graphics

International Board / Help with solution!
« am: 15. Dezember 2013, 01:08:03 »
Episode 1

At the end I put envelope to the mailbox, but *THEN* I use flag. And game isn't end. Why?

In the Youtube Let's Play - player open the box, push flash *right after that* and then put envelope in. It's so important, this order? So it's bug of the game?

International Board / Russian translation
« am: 14. Dezember 2013, 23:44:30 »
I want to translate 1 episode

Can you give me TXT?

And I also want to translate main sign at the start room (Episode 1, etc). In English version there's translation of it, you put picture to TRA file?

Best regards,

Seiten: [1]